
Ichitsubo Laboratory@IMR (KINKEN), Tohoku University Our laboratory was established on October 17, 2016 at Institute for Materials Research, IMR (KINKEN), Tohoku University. In this laboratory, based on study on various phase transformations that is Professor Ichitsubo’s life work, with Associate Professor Okamoto, Assitant Professors Tanimura, Kawaguchi, Li(Specially Appointed), and Shimokawa(@FRIS), we aim to research and develop novel materials that exhibit new functions by controlling the microstructure. We are widely conducting development of structure and functional materials including energy materials for innovative batteries. While feeling the large responsibility of taking charge of one laboratory at IMR and keeping in mind the creation of material seeds that industrial society will surely need, we are enjoying the material science towards the goal of material research and development with an eye on the exit. We would like to work with Secretaries Noriko Kojima and Sayaka Kuroki, dealing with various fun operations of the laboratory.